Number of Variables | 18 |
Number of Rows | 713978 |
Missing Cells | 1.0564e+06 |
Missing Cells (%) | 8.2% |
Duplicate Rows | 12956 |
Duplicate Rows (%) | 1.8% |
Total Size in Memory | 661.7 MB |
Average Row Size in Memory | 971.7 B |
Variable Types |
BCBS has 13256 (1.86%) missing values | Missing |
BCBS MEDICARE has 9560 (1.34%) missing values | Missing |
AETNA has 14017 (1.96%) missing values | Missing |
AETNA MEDICARE has 9560 (1.34%) missing values | Missing |
CIGNA has 13256 (1.86%) missing values | Missing |
CIGNA MEDICARE has 713978 (100.0%) missing values | Missing |
UHC has 14017 (1.96%) missing values | Missing |
UHC MEDICARE has 9561 (1.34%) missing values | Missing |
MEDCOST has 14017 (1.96%) missing values | Missing |
CPT/MS-DRG has 202968 (28.43%) missing values | Missing |
Rev Code has 13716 (1.92%) missing values | Missing |
Gross Charge has 13716 (1.92%) missing values | Missing |
Self Pay has 14118 (1.98%) missing values | Missing |
De-identified Minimum is skewed | Skewed |
De-identified Maximum is skewed | Skewed |
Gross Charge is skewed | Skewed |
Dataset has 12956 (1.81%) duplicate rows | Duplicates |
BCBS has a high cardinality: 86092 distinct values | High Cardinality |
BCBS MEDICARE has a high cardinality: 20286 distinct values | High Cardinality |
AETNA has a high cardinality: 22266 distinct values | High Cardinality |
AETNA MEDICARE has a high cardinality: 21015 distinct values | High Cardinality |
CIGNA has a high cardinality: 44590 distinct values | High Cardinality |
UHC has a high cardinality: 28617 distinct values | High Cardinality |
UHC MEDICARE has a high cardinality: 21140 distinct values | High Cardinality |
MEDCOST has a high cardinality: 27954 distinct values | High Cardinality |
CPT/MS-DRG has a high cardinality: 4641 distinct values | High Cardinality |
Rev Code has a high cardinality: 43134 distinct values | High Cardinality |
Procedure Description has a high cardinality: 43597 distinct values | High Cardinality |
Self Pay has a high cardinality: 16275 distinct values | High Cardinality |
system has constant value "VIDANT" | Constant |
Rev Code has constant length 7 | Constant Length |
system has constant length 6 | Constant Length |
CIGNA MEDICARE has all distinct values | Unique |
Approximate Distinct Count | 86092 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 12.3% |
Missing | 13256 |
Missing (%) | 1.9% |
Memory Size | 49.8 MB |
Mean | 9.4586 |
Standard Deviation | 5.1707 |
Median | 8 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 36 |
1st row | 456.09 |
2nd row | 707.27 |
3rd row | 456.09 |
4th row | 687.44 |
5th row | 313.975 |
Count | 693964 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 122413 |
Uppercase Letter | 693964 |
Dash Punctuation | 225 |
Decimal Number | 5190916 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 20286 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 2.9% |
Missing | 9560 |
Missing (%) | 1.3% |
Memory Size | 54.6 MB |
Mean | 16.2646 |
Standard Deviation | 5.6915 |
Median | 20 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 36 |
1st row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
2nd row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
3rd row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
4th row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
5th row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
Count | 9026591 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 1452109 |
Uppercase Letter | 9026591 |
Dash Punctuation | 135 |
Decimal Number | 852584 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 22266 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 3.2% |
Missing | 14017 |
Missing (%) | 2.0% |
Memory Size | 48.1 MB |
Mean | 7.0777 |
Standard Deviation | 4.8475 |
Median | 6 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 36 |
1st row | 565.8 |
2nd row | 877.4 |
3rd row | 565.8 |
4th row | 852.8 |
5th row | 389.5 |
Count | 6720 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 1440 |
Uppercase Letter | 6720 |
Dash Punctuation | 240 |
Decimal Number | 4386815 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 21015 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 3.0% |
Missing | 9560 |
Missing (%) | 1.3% |
Memory Size | 54.9 MB |
Mean | 16.7421 |
Standard Deviation | 5.0407 |
Median | 20 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 36 |
1st row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
2nd row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
3rd row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
4th row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
5th row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
Count | 9025551 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 1452020 |
Uppercase Letter | 9025551 |
Dash Punctuation | 135 |
Decimal Number | 1184653 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 44590 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 6.4% |
Missing | 13256 |
Missing (%) | 1.9% |
Memory Size | 49.6 MB |
Mean | 9.2379 |
Standard Deviation | 5.977 |
Median | 7 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 39 |
1st row | 512.67 |
2nd row | 795.01 |
3rd row | 512.67 |
4th row | 772.72 |
5th row | 352.925 |
Count | 748501 |
Lowercase Letter | 287 |
Space Separator | 127389 |
Uppercase Letter | 748214 |
Dash Punctuation | 237 |
Decimal Number | 4970978 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 1 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 0.0% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 46.3 MB |
Mean | 3 |
Standard Deviation | 0 |
Median | 3 |
Minimum | 3 |
Maximum | 3 |
1st row | nan |
2nd row | nan |
3rd row | nan |
4th row | nan |
5th row | nan |
Count | 2141934 |
Lowercase Letter | 2141934 |
Space Separator | 0 |
Uppercase Letter | 0 |
Dash Punctuation | 0 |
Decimal Number | 0 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 28617 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 4.1% |
Missing | 14017 |
Missing (%) | 2.0% |
Memory Size | 49.4 MB |
Mean | 8.9371 |
Standard Deviation | 5.5059 |
Median | 17 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 36 |
1st row | 607.2 |
2nd row | 941.6 |
3rd row | 607.2 |
4th row | 915.2 |
5th row | 418.0 |
Count | 1623524 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 347927 |
Uppercase Letter | 1623524 |
Dash Punctuation | 195 |
Decimal Number | 3772862 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 21140 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 3.0% |
Missing | 9561 |
Missing (%) | 1.3% |
Memory Size | 54.9 MB |
Mean | 16.7402 |
Standard Deviation | 5.1131 |
Median | 20 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 36 |
1st row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
2nd row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
3rd row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
4th row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
5th row | INCLUDED IN DRG RA... |
Count | 9026667 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 1452113 |
Uppercase Letter | 9026667 |
Dash Punctuation | 135 |
Decimal Number | 1182607 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 27954 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 4.0% |
Missing | 14017 |
Missing (%) | 2.0% |
Memory Size | 48.5 MB |
Mean | 7.6983 |
Standard Deviation | 5.1734 |
Median | 6 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 36 |
1st row | 517.5 |
2nd row | 802.5 |
3rd row | 517.5 |
4th row | 780.0 |
5th row | 356.25 |
Count | 6720 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 1440 |
Uppercase Letter | 6720 |
Dash Punctuation | 240 |
Decimal Number | 4820631 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 70342 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 9.9% |
Missing | 298 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 10.9 MB |
Mean | 1867.8695 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 469129.8873 |
Zeros | 30484 |
Zeros (%) | 4.3% |
Negatives | 0 |
Negatives (%) | 0.0% |
Minimum | 0 |
5-th Percentile | 6.97 |
Q1 | 93.21 |
Median | 418 |
Q3 | 1477.06 |
95-th Percentile | 8531.25 |
Maximum | 469129.8873 |
Range | 469129.8873 |
IQR | 1383.85 |
Mean | 1867.8695 |
Standard Deviation | 6184.9261 |
Variance | 3.8253e+07 |
Sum | 1.3331e+09 |
Skewness | 17.2547 |
Kurtosis | 647.251 |
Coefficient of Variation | 3.3112 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 44514 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 6.2% |
Missing | 298 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 10.9 MB |
Mean | 3595.6889 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 724724.92 |
Zeros | 21155 |
Zeros (%) | 3.0% |
Negatives | 0 |
Negatives (%) | 0.0% |
Minimum | 0 |
5-th Percentile | 31.9967 |
Q1 | 217.35 |
Median | 973.36 |
Q3 | 3087.5 |
95-th Percentile | 15701.4 |
Maximum | 724724.92 |
Range | 724724.92 |
IQR | 2870.15 |
Mean | 3595.6889 |
Standard Deviation | 9727.7321 |
Variance | 9.4629e+07 |
Sum | 2.5662e+09 |
Skewness | 12.9684 |
Kurtosis | 415.8919 |
Coefficient of Variation | 2.7054 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 4641 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 0.9% |
Missing | 202968 |
Missing (%) | 28.4% |
Memory Size | 34.1 MB |
Mean | 5.0001 |
Standard Deviation | 0.01187 |
Median | 5 |
Minimum | 5 |
Maximum | 7 |
1st row | 10004 |
2nd row | 10005 |
3rd row | 10006 |
4th row | 10021 |
5th row | 10021 |
Count | 473402 |
Lowercase Letter | 18 |
Space Separator | 36 |
Uppercase Letter | 473384 |
Dash Punctuation | 0 |
Decimal Number | 2081648 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 43134 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 6.2% |
Missing | 13716 |
Missing (%) | 1.9% |
Memory Size | 48.1 MB |
Mean | 7 |
Standard Deviation | 0 |
Median | 7 |
Minimum | 7 |
Maximum | 7 |
1st row | 1101000 |
2nd row | 1101003 |
3rd row | 1121000 |
4th row | 1140000 |
5th row | 1711000 |
Count | 414 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 0 |
Uppercase Letter | 414 |
Dash Punctuation | 0 |
Decimal Number | 4901420 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 43597 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 6.1% |
Missing | 18 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 65.2 MB |
Mean | 30.7972 |
Standard Deviation | 5.999 |
Median | 31 |
Minimum | 3 |
Maximum | 118 |
1st row | HB-MEDICAL GENERAL... |
2nd row | HB-MEDICAL GENERAL... |
3rd row | HB-LD/OB GENERAL R... |
4th row | HB-PSYCH ADULT PRI... |
5th row | HB-NEO I NEWBORN N... |
Count | 15579552 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 2722952 |
Uppercase Letter | 15579552 |
Dash Punctuation | 760494 |
Decimal Number | 2338058 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 6395 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 0.9% |
Missing | 13716 |
Missing (%) | 1.9% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 10.7 MB |
Mean | 3270.5624 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 324757 |
Zeros | 20846 |
Zeros (%) | 2.9% |
Negatives | 0 |
Negatives (%) | 0.0% |
Minimum | 0 |
5-th Percentile | 32 |
Q1 | 220 |
Median | 961 |
Q3 | 3116 |
95-th Percentile | 13468 |
Maximum | 324757 |
Range | 324757 |
IQR | 2896 |
Mean | 3270.5624 |
Standard Deviation | 8004.1176 |
Variance | 6.4066e+07 |
Sum | 2.2903e+09 |
Skewness | 8.9132 |
Kurtosis | 172.5416 |
Coefficient of Variation | 2.4473 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 16275 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 2.3% |
Missing | 14118 |
Missing (%) | 2.0% |
Memory Size | 47.3 MB |
Mean | 5.9252 |
Standard Deviation | 3.0366 |
Median | 6 |
Minimum | 1 |
Maximum | 36 |
1st row | 517.5 |
2nd row | 802.5 |
3rd row | 517.5 |
4th row | 780.0 |
5th row | 356.25 |
Count | 6720 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 1440 |
Uppercase Letter | 6720 |
Dash Punctuation | 240 |
Decimal Number | 3594962 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 2 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 0.0% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 50.7 MB |
Mean | 9.5 |
Standard Deviation | 0.5 |
Median | 10 |
Minimum | 9 |
Maximum | 10 |
1st row | INPATIENT |
2nd row | INPATIENT |
3rd row | INPATIENT |
4th row | INPATIENT |
5th row | INPATIENT |
Count | 6782791 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 0 |
Uppercase Letter | 6782791 |
Dash Punctuation | 0 |
Decimal Number | 0 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 1 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 0.0% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 48.3 MB |
Mean | 6 |
Standard Deviation | 0 |
Median | 6 |
Minimum | 6 |
Maximum | 6 |
1st row | VIDANT |
2nd row | VIDANT |
3rd row | VIDANT |
4th row | VIDANT |
5th row | VIDANT |
Count | 4283868 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 0 |
Uppercase Letter | 4283868 |
Dash Punctuation | 0 |
Decimal Number | 0 |