
Dataset Statistics

Number of Variables 23
Number of Rows 90598
Missing Cells 7307
Missing Cells (%) 0.4%
Duplicate Rows 0
Duplicate Rows (%) 0.0%
Total Size in Memory 266.4 MB
Average Row Size in Memory 3.0 KB
Variable Types
  • Categorical: 21
  • Numerical: 2

Dataset Insights

Internal Proc Code has 3652 (4.03%) missing values Missing
Other Code has 3653 (4.03%) missing values Missing
Internal Proc Code is skewed Skewed
HCPCS/ CPT/NDC Code has a high cardinality: 7940 distinct values High Cardinality
Procedure Name has a high cardinality: 88425 distinct values High Cardinality
Charge has a high cardinality: 15310 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - Aetna has a high cardinality: 14476 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - BCBS has a high cardinality: 13754 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - Humana has a high cardinality: 13845 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - United has a high cardinality: 13754 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - Other has a high cardinality: 13754 distinct values High Cardinality
Aetna has a high cardinality: 15831 distinct values High Cardinality
BCBS has a high cardinality: 15484 distinct values High Cardinality
Cigna has a high cardinality: 15475 distinct values High Cardinality
Exchange/Ambetter has a high cardinality: 14889 distinct values High Cardinality
Medcost has a high cardinality: 15067 distinct values High Cardinality
United has a high cardinality: 15288 distinct values High Cardinality
Other Mgd Care has a high cardinality: 15130 distinct values High Cardinality
Tricare has a high cardinality: 13725 distinct values High Cardinality
Workers Comp has a high cardinality: 14817 distinct values High Cardinality
Self Pay has a high cardinality: 14811 distinct values High Cardinality
De-identified Maximum has a high cardinality: 15250 distinct values High Cardinality
De-identified Minimum has constant value " - " Constant
Filename has constant value "56-2070036_DRaH_standardcharges_cdm.csv" Constant
De-identified Minimum has constant length 5 Constant Length
Filename has constant length 39 Constant Length
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3




Approximate Distinct Count 7940
Approximate Unique (%) 8.8%
Missing 1
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 6.2 MB
  • The largest value (C1713) is over 2.17 times larger than the second largest value (27800169)


Mean 6.3337
Standard Deviation 2.069
Median 5
Minimum 5
Maximum 47


1st row J2790
2nd row 96360
3rd row 96361
4th row 96365
5th row 96366


Count 60601
Lowercase Letter 0
Space Separator 2451
Uppercase Letter 60601
Dash Punctuation 7163
Decimal Number 501152
  • HCPCS/ CPT/NDC Code contains many words: 7865 words
  • The largest value (c1713) is over 2.17 times larger than the second largest value (27800169)

Internal Proc Code


Approximate Distinct Count 12800
Approximate Unique (%) 14.7%
Missing 3652
Missing (%) 4.0%
Infinite 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 1.3 MB
Mean 2.841e+07
Minimum 2.5e+07
Maximum 9.99e+07
Zeros 0
Zeros (%) 0.0%
Negatives 0
Negatives (%) 0.0%
  • Internal Proc Code is skewed right (γ1 = 9.0129)

Quantile Statistics

Minimum 2.5e+07
5-th Percentile 2.7202e+07
Q1 2.78e+07
Median 2.78e+07
Q3 2.78e+07
95-th Percentile 2.788e+07
Maximum 9.99e+07
Range 7.49e+07
IQR 185

Descriptive Statistics

Mean 2.841e+07
Standard Deviation 5.1336e+06
Variance 2.6354e+13
Sum 2.4702e+12
Skewness 9.0129
Kurtosis 84.6608
Coefficient of Variation 0.1807
  • Internal Proc Code is not normally distributed (p-value 4.275698079900847e-25)
  • Internal Proc Code has 19144 outliers

Other Code


Approximate Distinct Count 78129
Approximate Unique (%) 89.9%
Missing 3653
Missing (%) 4.0%
Infinite 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 1.3 MB
Mean 169049.8271
Minimum 260
Maximum 357962
Zeros 0
Zeros (%) 0.0%
Negatives 0
Negatives (%) 0.0%
  • Other Code is skewed right (γ1 = 0.2816)

Quantile Statistics

Minimum 260
5-th Percentile 276
Q1 98529.26
Median 165584.44
Q3 193148.16
95-th Percentile 346134.45
Maximum 357962
Range 357702
IQR 94618.9

Descriptive Statistics

Mean 169049.8271
Standard Deviation 103271.7744
Variance 1.0665e+10
Sum 1.4698e+10
Skewness 0.2816
Kurtosis -0.6476
Coefficient of Variation 0.6109
  • Other Code is not normally distributed (p-value 0.0005743943021928128)
  • Other Code has 9875 outliers

Procedure Name


Approximate Distinct Count 88425
Approximate Unique (%) 97.6%
Missing 1
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 8.7 MB


Mean 35.5637
Standard Deviation 7.5135
Median 37
Minimum 6
Maximum 109


1st row HC RHO(D) IMMUNE G...
2nd row HC IV INF HYDRAT I...
3rd row HC IV INF HYDRAT A...
4th row HC IV INF THER INI...
5th row HC IV INF THER ADD...


Count 2268403
Lowercase Letter 7806
Space Separator 436902
Uppercase Letter 2260597
Dash Punctuation 30147
Decimal Number 334694
  • Procedure Name contains many words: 38306 words
  • The largest value (screw) is over 1.8 times larger than the second largest value (hc)



Approximate Distinct Count 15310
Approximate Unique (%) 16.9%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 6.4 MB
  • The largest value ( 712.88 ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( 4,761.40 )


Mean 9.3374
Standard Deviation 1.2235
Median 10
Minimum 6
Maximum 12


1st row 917.00
2nd row 639.00
3rd row 141.00
4th row 573.00
5th row 146.00


Count 0
Lowercase Letter 0
Space Separator 181196
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 517584
  • Charge contains many words: 15310 words
  • The largest value (71288) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value (476140)

Medicare Adv - Aetna


Approximate Distinct Count 14476
Approximate Unique (%) 16.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.8 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $88.15 to $93.07 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $588.74 to $621.65 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 128.9598
Standard Deviation 2.1347
Median 129
Minimum 125
Maximum 135


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8063222
Lowercase Letter 8063222
Space Separator 1721362
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1143676
  • Medicare Adv - Aetna contains many words: 24301 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (circumstances)

Medicare Adv - BCBS


Approximate Distinct Count 13754
Approximate Unique (%) 15.2%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.2 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $91.25 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $609.46 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 110.9877
Standard Deviation 1.0778
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 114


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 708230
  • Medicare Adv - BCBS contains many words: 13760 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Medicare Adv - Humana


Approximate Distinct Count 13845
Approximate Unique (%) 15.3%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.2 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $93.53 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $624.70 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.0026
Standard Deviation 1.0798
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 114


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 709301
  • Medicare Adv - Humana contains many words: 13851 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Medicare Adv - United


Approximate Distinct Count 13754
Approximate Unique (%) 15.2%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.2 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $91.25 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $609.46 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 110.9877
Standard Deviation 1.0778
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 114


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 708230
  • Medicare Adv - United contains many words: 13760 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Medicare Adv - Other


Approximate Distinct Count 13754
Approximate Unique (%) 15.2%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.2 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $91.25 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $609.46 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 110.9877
Standard Deviation 1.0778
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 114


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 708230
  • Medicare Adv - Other contains many words: 13760 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 15831
Approximate Unique (%) 17.5%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.9 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $163.96 to $440.56 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $1,095.12 to $2,942.55 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 130.5265
Standard Deviation 2.2797
Median 131
Minimum 125
Maximum 137


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8063222
Lowercase Letter 8063222
Space Separator 1721362
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1238444
  • Aetna contains many words: 28382 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (circumstances)



Approximate Distinct Count 15484
Approximate Unique (%) 17.1%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.9 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $392.08 to $452.68 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $2,618.77 to $3,023.49 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 131.097
Standard Deviation 2.4258
Median 133
Minimum 125
Maximum 137


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8063222
Lowercase Letter 8063222
Space Separator 1721362
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1271477
  • BCBS contains many words: 29301 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (circumstances)



Approximate Distinct Count 15475
Approximate Unique (%) 17.1%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.9 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $384.24 to $448.40 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.05 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $2,561.63 to $2,566.39 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 131.0112
Standard Deviation 2.4553
Median 133
Minimum 125
Maximum 137


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8063222
Lowercase Letter 8063222
Space Separator 1721362
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1266331
  • Cigna contains many words: 29158 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 14889
Approximate Unique (%) 16.4%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.3 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $200.75 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $1,340.81 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.6142
Standard Deviation 1.226
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 745988
  • Exchange/Ambetter contains many words: 14895 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 15067
Approximate Unique (%) 16.6%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.3 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $346.46 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $2,314.04 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.9322
Standard Deviation 1.2329
Median 113
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 764728
  • Medcost contains many words: 15073 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 15288
Approximate Unique (%) 16.9%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.9 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $320.80 to $541.79 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $2,142.63 to $3,618.66 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 131.0744
Standard Deviation 2.3693
Median 133
Minimum 125
Maximum 137


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8063222
Lowercase Letter 8063222
Space Separator 1721362
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1270551
  • United contains many words: 29109 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Other Mgd Care


Approximate Distinct Count 15130
Approximate Unique (%) 16.7%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.3 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $363.57 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $2,428.31 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.9569
Standard Deviation 1.2311
Median 113
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 766351
  • Other Mgd Care contains many words: 15136 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 13725
Approximate Unique (%) 15.2%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.2 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $88.51 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $591.18 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 110.9624
Standard Deviation 1.0686
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 114


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 706559
  • Tricare contains many words: 13731 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Workers Comp


Approximate Distinct Count 14817
Approximate Unique (%) 16.4%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.3 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $182.50 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $1,218.92 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.5593
Standard Deviation 1.2222
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 742739
  • Workers Comp contains many words: 14823 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Self Pay


Approximate Distinct Count 14811
Approximate Unique (%) 16.4%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 15.3 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $199.61 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $1,333.19 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.6144
Standard Deviation 1.2235
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7247840
Lowercase Letter 7247840
Space Separator 1630764
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 746070
  • Self Pay contains many words: 14817 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

De-identified Minimum


Approximate Distinct Count 1
Approximate Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 6.0 MB


Mean 5
Standard Deviation 0
Median 5
Minimum 5
Maximum 5


1st row -
2nd row -
3rd row -
4th row -
5th row -


Count 0
Lowercase Letter 0
Space Separator 362392
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 90598
Decimal Number 0

De-identified Maximum


Approximate Distinct Count 15250
Approximate Unique (%) 16.8%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 6.4 MB
  • The largest value ( 541.79 ) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value ( 3,618.66 )


Mean 9.1862
Standard Deviation 1.2198
Median 10
Minimum 6
Maximum 12


1st row 696.92
2nd row 485.64
3rd row 107.16
4th row 435.48
5th row 110.96


Count 0
Lowercase Letter 0
Space Separator 181196
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 508475
  • De-identified Maximum contains many words: 15250 words
  • The largest value (54179) is over 2.15 times larger than the second largest value (361866)



Approximate Distinct Count 1
Approximate Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 9.0 MB


Mean 39
Standard Deviation 0
Median 39
Minimum 39
Maximum 39


1st row 56-2070036_DRaH_st...
2nd row 56-2070036_DRaH_st...
3rd row 56-2070036_DRaH_st...
4th row 56-2070036_DRaH_st...
5th row 56-2070036_DRaH_st...


Count 2264950
Lowercase Letter 1993156
Space Separator 0
Uppercase Letter 271794
Dash Punctuation 90598
Decimal Number 815382
  • Filename has words of constant length



Missing Values