
Dataset Statistics

Number of Variables 23
Number of Rows 95131
Missing Cells 10882
Missing Cells (%) 0.5%
Duplicate Rows 1
Duplicate Rows (%) 0.0%
Total Size in Memory 279.3 MB
Average Row Size in Memory 3.0 KB
Variable Types
  • Categorical: 21
  • Numerical: 2

Dataset Insights

Internal Proc Code has 5441 (5.72%) missing values Missing
Other Code has 5441 (5.72%) missing values Missing
Internal Proc Code is skewed Skewed
HCPCS/ CPT/NDC Code has a high cardinality: 10748 distinct values High Cardinality
Procedure Name has a high cardinality: 92555 distinct values High Cardinality
Charge has a high cardinality: 16734 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - Aetna has a high cardinality: 15881 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - BCBS has a high cardinality: 15174 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - Humana has a high cardinality: 15225 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - United has a high cardinality: 15174 distinct values High Cardinality
Medicare Adv - Other has a high cardinality: 15174 distinct values High Cardinality
Aetna has a high cardinality: 16728 distinct values High Cardinality
BCBS has a high cardinality: 16871 distinct values High Cardinality
Cigna has a high cardinality: 16959 distinct values High Cardinality
Exchange/Ambetter has a high cardinality: 16288 distinct values High Cardinality
Medcost has a high cardinality: 16372 distinct values High Cardinality
United has a high cardinality: 16652 distinct values High Cardinality
Other Mgd Care has a high cardinality: 16446 distinct values High Cardinality
Tricare has a high cardinality: 15098 distinct values High Cardinality
Workers Comp has a high cardinality: 16232 distinct values High Cardinality
Self Pay has a high cardinality: 15944 distinct values High Cardinality
De-identified Maximum has a high cardinality: 16830 distinct values High Cardinality
De-identified Minimum has constant value " - " Constant
Filename has constant value "56-2070036_DUH_standardcharges_cdm.csv" Constant
De-identified Minimum has constant length 5 Constant Length
Filename has constant length 38 Constant Length
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3




Approximate Distinct Count 10748
Approximate Unique (%) 11.3%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 6.5 MB
  • The largest value (C1713) is over 2.17 times larger than the second largest value (27800169)


Mean 6.4132
Standard Deviation 2.1735
Median 5
Minimum 5
Maximum 47


1st row J0702
2nd row J0696
3rd row J0834
4th row J3420
5th row J0881


Count 62039
Lowercase Letter 0
Space Separator 2449
Uppercase Letter 62039
Dash Punctuation 10053
Decimal Number 533106
  • HCPCS/ CPT/NDC Code contains many words: 10665 words
  • The largest value (c1713) is over 2.17 times larger than the second largest value (27800169)

Internal Proc Code


Approximate Distinct Count 15464
Approximate Unique (%) 17.2%
Missing 5441
Missing (%) 5.7%
Infinite 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 1.4 MB
Mean 2.8763e+07
Minimum 2.5e+07
Maximum 9.99e+07
Zeros 0
Zeros (%) 0.0%
Negatives 0
Negatives (%) 0.0%
  • Internal Proc Code is skewed right (γ1 = 7.1815)

Quantile Statistics

Minimum 2.5e+07
5-th Percentile 2.72e+07
Q1 2.78e+07
Median 2.78e+07
Q3 2.78e+07
95-th Percentile 2.79e+07
Maximum 9.99e+07
Range 7.49e+07
IQR 185

Descriptive Statistics

Mean 2.8763e+07
Standard Deviation 6.5043e+06
Variance 4.2305e+13
Sum 2.5798e+12
Skewness 7.1815
Kurtosis 53.0827
Coefficient of Variation 0.2261
  • Internal Proc Code is not normally distributed (p-value 4.289270245520416e-25)
  • Internal Proc Code has 21888 outliers

Other Code


Approximate Distinct Count 78156
Approximate Unique (%) 87.1%
Missing 5441
Missing (%) 5.7%
Infinite 0
Infinite (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 1.4 MB
Mean 163889.1739
Minimum 250
Maximum 357962
Zeros 0
Zeros (%) 0.0%
Negatives 0
Negatives (%) 0.0%
  • Other Code is skewed right (γ1 = 0.2767)

Quantile Statistics

Minimum 250
5-th Percentile 276
Q1 89798.65
Median 163850.8
Q3 191916.32
95-th Percentile 345779.6
Maximum 357962
Range 357712
IQR 102117.67

Descriptive Statistics

Mean 163889.1739
Standard Deviation 105745.9664
Variance 1.1182e+10
Sum 1.4699e+10
Skewness 0.2767
Kurtosis -0.6881
Coefficient of Variation 0.6452
  • Other Code is not normally distributed (p-value 1.904824202977939e-07)
  • Other Code has 5127 outliers

Procedure Name


Approximate Distinct Count 92555
Approximate Unique (%) 97.3%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 9.2 MB


Mean 35.8885
Standard Deviation 8.0306
Median 37
Minimum 6
Maximum 109




Count 2406703
Lowercase Letter 11863
Space Separator 467258
Uppercase Letter 2394840
Dash Punctuation 32956
Decimal Number 349273
  • Procedure Name contains many words: 39685 words



Approximate Distinct Count 16734
Approximate Unique (%) 17.6%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 6.5 MB
  • The largest value (712.88) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value (4,761.40)


Mean 7.0771
Standard Deviation 1.6193
Median 8
Minimum 1
Maximum 12


1st row 20.84
2nd row 47.07
3rd row 127.16
4th row 17.17
5th row 39.06


Count 0
Lowercase Letter 0
Space Separator 0
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 524385
  • Charge contains many words: 16302 words
  • The largest value (71288) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value (476140)

Medicare Adv - Aetna


Approximate Distinct Count 15881
Approximate Unique (%) 16.7%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 17.6 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $98.48 to $103.98 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $657.73 to $694.50 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 129.0895
Standard Deviation 2.1729
Median 129
Minimum 125
Maximum 137


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8466659
Lowercase Letter 8466659
Space Separator 1807489
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1210446
  • Medicare Adv - Aetna contains many words: 26834 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (circumstances)

Medicare Adv - BCBS


Approximate Distinct Count 15174
Approximate Unique (%) 16.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $101.94 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $680.88 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.0599
Standard Deviation 1.0887
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 749293
  • Medicare Adv - BCBS contains many words: 15180 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Medicare Adv - Humana


Approximate Distinct Count 15225
Approximate Unique (%) 16.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $104.49 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $697.90 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.0741
Standard Deviation 1.0939
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 750282
  • Medicare Adv - Humana contains many words: 15231 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Medicare Adv - United


Approximate Distinct Count 15174
Approximate Unique (%) 16.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $101.94 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $680.88 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.0599
Standard Deviation 1.0887
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 749293
  • Medicare Adv - United contains many words: 15180 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Medicare Adv - Other


Approximate Distinct Count 15174
Approximate Unique (%) 16.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $101.94 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $680.88 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.0599
Standard Deviation 1.0887
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 749293
  • Medicare Adv - Other contains many words: 15180 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 16728
Approximate Unique (%) 17.6%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 17.7 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $163.96 to $440.56 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $1,095.12 to $2,942.55 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 130.4563
Standard Deviation 2.3145
Median 131
Minimum 125
Maximum 139


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8466659
Lowercase Letter 8466659
Space Separator 1807489
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1295639
  • Aetna contains many words: 30267 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (circumstances)



Approximate Distinct Count 16871
Approximate Unique (%) 17.7%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 17.8 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $350.02 to $451.25 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $2,337.85 to $3,013.97 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 130.9495
Standard Deviation 2.4519
Median 133
Minimum 125
Maximum 141


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8466659
Lowercase Letter 8466659
Space Separator 1807489
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1325651
  • BCBS contains many words: 31541 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (circumstances)



Approximate Distinct Count 16959
Approximate Unique (%) 17.8%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 17.8 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $325.07 to $448.40 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.26 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $2,171.20 to $3,237.75 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 130.943
Standard Deviation 2.4275
Median 133
Minimum 125
Maximum 141


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8466659
Lowercase Letter 8466659
Space Separator 1807489
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1325356
  • Cigna contains many words: 31557 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 16288
Approximate Unique (%) 17.1%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $224.27 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $1,497.94 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.6594
Standard Deviation 1.2393
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 786053
  • Exchange/Ambetter contains many words: 16294 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 16372
Approximate Unique (%) 17.2%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $350.02 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $2,337.85 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.9006
Standard Deviation 1.2524
Median 113
Minimum 109
Maximum 117


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 800856
  • Medcost contains many words: 16377 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 16652
Approximate Unique (%) 17.5%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 17.8 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $310.82 to $581.00 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services; negotiated from $2,075.97 to $3,880.54 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 131.0209
Standard Deviation 2.4067
Median 133
Minimum 125
Maximum 141


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 8466659
Lowercase Letter 8466659
Space Separator 1807489
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 1330462
  • United contains many words: 31538 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (circumstances)

Other Mgd Care


Approximate Distinct Count 16446
Approximate Unique (%) 17.3%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.1 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $363.57 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $2,428.31 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.9201
Standard Deviation 1.2496
Median 113
Minimum 109
Maximum 117


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 802236
  • Other Mgd Care contains many words: 16452 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)



Approximate Distinct Count 15098
Approximate Unique (%) 15.9%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $98.88 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $660.45 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.0199
Standard Deviation 1.0963
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 745866
  • Tricare contains many words: 15104 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Workers Comp


Approximate Distinct Count 16232
Approximate Unique (%) 17.1%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $203.88 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $1,361.76 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.597
Standard Deviation 1.2322
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 782302
  • Workers Comp contains many words: 16238 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

Self Pay


Approximate Distinct Count 15944
Approximate Unique (%) 16.8%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 16.0 MB
  • The largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $199.61 for all other services, depending on the circumstances ) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value ( $0.00 for routine inpatient services and up to $1,333.19 for all other services, depending on the circumstances )


Mean 111.578
Standard Deviation 1.2402
Median 111
Minimum 109
Maximum 115


1st row $0.00 for routine...
2nd row $0.00 for routine...
3rd row $0.00 for routine...
4th row $0.00 for routine...
5th row $0.00 for routine...


Count 7610480
Lowercase Letter 7610480
Space Separator 1712358
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 780793
  • Self Pay contains many words: 15950 words
  • The largest value (services) is over 2.0 times larger than the second largest value (000)

De-identified Minimum


Approximate Distinct Count 1
Approximate Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 6.4 MB


Mean 5
Standard Deviation 0
Median 5
Minimum 5
Maximum 5


1st row -
2nd row -
3rd row -
4th row -
5th row -


Count 0
Lowercase Letter 0
Space Separator 380524
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 95131
Decimal Number 0

De-identified Maximum


Approximate Distinct Count 16830
Approximate Unique (%) 17.7%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 6.5 MB
  • The largest value (581) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value (3,880.54)


Mean 7.07
Standard Deviation 1.4486
Median 8
Minimum 1
Maximum 12


1st row 16.98
2nd row 38.36
3rd row 103.64
4th row 13.99
5th row 31.83


Count 0
Lowercase Letter 0
Space Separator 0
Uppercase Letter 0
Dash Punctuation 0
Decimal Number 525323
  • De-identified Maximum contains many words: 16608 words
  • The largest value (581) is over 2.36 times larger than the second largest value (388054)



Approximate Distinct Count 1
Approximate Unique (%) 0.0%
Missing 0
Missing (%) 0.0%
Memory Size 9.3 MB


Mean 38
Standard Deviation 0
Median 38
Minimum 38
Maximum 38


1st row 56-2070036_DUH_sta...
2nd row 56-2070036_DUH_sta...
3rd row 56-2070036_DUH_sta...
4th row 56-2070036_DUH_sta...
5th row 56-2070036_DUH_sta...


Count 2283144
Lowercase Letter 1997751
Space Separator 0
Uppercase Letter 285393
Dash Punctuation 95131
Decimal Number 856179
  • Filename has words of constant length



Missing Values