Number of Variables | 10 |
Number of Rows | 76272 |
Missing Cells | 201168 |
Missing Cells (%) | 26.4% |
Duplicate Rows | 0 |
Duplicate Rows (%) | 0.0% |
Total Size in Memory | 31.4 MB |
Average Row Size in Memory | 431.7 B |
Variable Types |
Cash_Discount has 26307 (34.49%) missing values | Missing |
DeIdentified_Max_Allowed has 31524 (41.33%) missing values | Missing |
Deidentified_Min_Allowed has 38176 (50.05%) missing values | Missing |
description has 18252 (23.93%) missing values | Missing |
iobSelection has 26307 (34.49%) missing values | Missing |
payer has 26307 (34.49%) missing values | Missing |
Payer_Allowed_Amount has 34286 (44.95%) missing values | Missing |
Cash_Discount is skewed | Skewed |
DeIdentified_Max_Allowed is skewed | Skewed |
Deidentified_Min_Allowed is skewed | Skewed |
Payer_Allowed_Amount is skewed | Skewed |
Associated_Codes has a high cardinality: 3185 distinct values | High Cardinality |
description has a high cardinality: 10873 distinct values | High Cardinality |
Gross_Charge has a high cardinality: 23308 distinct values | High Cardinality |
Filename has constant value "wakemed" | Constant |
Filename has constant length 7 | Constant Length |
Payer_Allowed_Amount has 29125 (38.19%) zeros | Zeros |
Approximate Distinct Count | 3185 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 4.2% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 5.2 MB |
Mean | 7.1343 |
Standard Deviation | 6.6073 |
Median | 5 |
Minimum | 3 |
Maximum | 143 |
1st row | 0100 |
2nd row | 0100 |
3rd row | 0100 |
4th row | 0100 |
5th row | 0100 |
Count | 6473 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 526 |
Uppercase Letter | 6473 |
Dash Punctuation | 1575 |
Decimal Number | 504351 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 3214 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 6.4% |
Missing | 26307 |
Missing (%) | 34.5% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 780.7 KB |
Mean | 9475.2687 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 531895.93 |
Zeros | 320 |
Zeros (%) | 0.4% |
Negatives | 0 |
Negatives (%) | 0.0% |
Minimum | 0 |
5-th Percentile | 32.27 |
Q1 | 152.25 |
Median | 1496.82 |
Q3 | 8352.76 |
95-th Percentile | 36664.53 |
Maximum | 531895.93 |
Range | 531895.93 |
IQR | 8200.51 |
Mean | 9475.2687 |
Standard Deviation | 25179.4871 |
Variance | 6.3401e+08 |
Sum | 4.7343e+08 |
Skewness | 7.2575 |
Kurtosis | 88.4157 |
Coefficient of Variation | 2.6574 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 2651 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 5.9% |
Missing | 31524 |
Missing (%) | 41.3% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 699.2 KB |
Mean | 4985.4533 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 202120.4534 |
Zeros | 666 |
Zeros (%) | 0.9% |
Negatives | 0 |
Negatives (%) | 0.0% |
Minimum | 0 |
5-th Percentile | 20.08 |
Q1 | 85.87 |
Median | 1037.38 |
Q3 | 5329.62 |
95-th Percentile | 22586.38 |
Maximum | 202120.4534 |
Range | 202120.4534 |
IQR | 5243.75 |
Mean | 4985.4533 |
Standard Deviation | 11484.5468 |
Variance | 1.3189e+08 |
Sum | 2.2309e+08 |
Skewness | 5.9694 |
Kurtosis | 58.3198 |
Coefficient of Variation | 2.3036 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 2043 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 5.4% |
Missing | 38176 |
Missing (%) | 50.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 595.2 KB |
Mean | 4656.4835 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 180018.82 |
Zeros | 1240 |
Zeros (%) | 1.6% |
Negatives | 0 |
Negatives (%) | 0.0% |
Minimum | 0 |
5-th Percentile | 5.11 |
Q1 | 46.63 |
Median | 699.49 |
Q3 | 5384.78 |
95-th Percentile | 18250.65 |
Maximum | 180018.82 |
Range | 180018.82 |
IQR | 5338.15 |
Mean | 4656.4835 |
Standard Deviation | 11096.7215 |
Variance | 1.2314e+08 |
Sum | 1.7739e+08 |
Skewness | 6.4206 |
Kurtosis | 61.7873 |
Coefficient of Variation | 2.3831 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 10873 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 18.7% |
Missing | 18252 |
Missing (%) | 23.9% |
Memory Size | 5.2 MB |
Mean | 29.4657 |
Standard Deviation | 23.7025 |
Median | 27 |
Minimum | 3 |
Maximum | 124 |
1st row | Room & Board |
2nd row | Room & Board |
3rd row | Room & Board |
4th row | Room & Board |
5th row | Room & Board |
Count | 1260926 |
Lowercase Letter | 575574 |
Space Separator | 217416 |
Uppercase Letter | 685352 |
Dash Punctuation | 28110 |
Decimal Number | 164827 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 23308 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 30.6% |
Missing | 9 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 6.6 MB |
Mean | 25.3307 |
Standard Deviation | 22.4983 |
Median | 10 |
Minimum | 3 |
Maximum | 115 |
1st row | 28788.621 |
2nd row | 28788.621 |
3rd row | 28788.621 |
4th row | 28788.621 |
5th row | 28788.621 |
Count | 1387115 |
Lowercase Letter | 767985 |
Space Separator | 228959 |
Uppercase Letter | 619130 |
Dash Punctuation | 23452 |
Decimal Number | 243518 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 2 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 0.0% |
Missing | 26307 |
Missing (%) | 34.5% |
Memory Size | 3.6 MB |
Mean | 9.9535 |
Standard Deviation | 0.2105 |
Median | 10 |
Minimum | 9 |
Maximum | 10 |
1st row | Inpatient |
2nd row | Inpatient |
3rd row | Inpatient |
4th row | Inpatient |
5th row | Inpatient |
Count | 497328 |
Lowercase Letter | 447363 |
Space Separator | 0 |
Uppercase Letter | 49965 |
Dash Punctuation | 0 |
Decimal Number | 0 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 18 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 0.0% |
Missing | 26307 |
Missing (%) | 34.5% |
Memory Size | 4.0 MB |
Mean | 19.1063 |
Standard Deviation | 8.6594 |
Median | 16 |
Minimum | 8 |
Maximum | 36 |
2nd row | AETNA PPO |
4th row | BCBS PPO |
Count | 866874 |
Lowercase Letter | 0 |
Space Separator | 87771 |
Uppercase Letter | 866874 |
Dash Punctuation | 0 |
Decimal Number | 0 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 9325 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 22.2% |
Missing | 34286 |
Missing (%) | 45.0% |
Infinite | 0 |
Infinite (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 656.0 KB |
Mean | 1527.5666 |
Minimum | 0 |
Maximum | 180018.82 |
Zeros | 29125 |
Zeros (%) | 38.2% |
Negatives | 0 |
Negatives (%) | 0.0% |
Minimum | 0 |
5-th Percentile | 0 |
Q1 | 0 |
Median | 0 |
Q3 | 21.395 |
95-th Percentile | 8218.8725 |
Maximum | 180018.82 |
Range | 180018.82 |
IQR | 21.395 |
Mean | 1527.5666 |
Standard Deviation | 6871.4798 |
Variance | 4.7217e+07 |
Sum | 6.4136e+07 |
Skewness | 8.1191 |
Kurtosis | 91.6821 |
Coefficient of Variation | 4.4983 |
Approximate Distinct Count | 1 |
Approximate Unique (%) | 0.0% |
Missing | 0 |
Missing (%) | 0.0% |
Memory Size | 5.2 MB |
Mean | 7 |
Standard Deviation | 0 |
Median | 7 |
Minimum | 7 |
Maximum | 7 |
1st row | wakemed |
2nd row | wakemed |
3rd row | wakemed |
4th row | wakemed |
5th row | wakemed |
Count | 533904 |
Lowercase Letter | 533904 |
Space Separator | 0 |
Uppercase Letter | 0 |
Dash Punctuation | 0 |
Decimal Number | 0 |